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Paconian Code of Honor

As a member of Paco Catholic School community, I commit myself to act honestly, responsibly, and above all, with honor and integrity in all life. On my honor, I shall be true to the paconian motto: Noblesse Oblige. I shall strive always to uphold justice and truth. I shall not lie, I shall not cheat, I shall not steal. Nor shall I tolerate the acts of those who do, I shall be accountable for all things that I say, write and do. I shall be responsible for the integrity of my work. And I commit myself to behave in a manner, which demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights and freedom of all members of the school community. These I profess in faith, hope and love. With my deep desire to always incarnate Christ in my life. Amen.

Core Values & Code of Honor: Text

Core Values

Core Values & Code of Honor: Text

Quality and Excellence

Christian Leadership

Justice and Peace


Purity and Simplicity of Lifestyle


Core Values & Code of Honor: List



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Telephone number: 563-15-00 / 564-48-68


1521 Paz St
Manila, 1007

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